I can hardly believe my baby doll is one year old! Last year, the day before Thanksgiving, our family dynamic was completely changed when Marian Emma Hoffman was born. I have such a clear memory of seeing her round head for the first time, covered in dark baby hair (I just knew that she would have dark hair), that it's hard to believe a whole year has passed since then.
Before Mari was born, I was worried that I wouldn't love her enough. I couldn't imagine adding another person to our perfect life and caring about her the way that I wanted to. Looking back, those thoughts were ridiculous, because before we even left the hospital, she had us completely in love with her. We spent hours just looking at her, watching her little movements and marveling that she really was here after all. We didn't even mind when she woke up in the night to eat, because it meant we got to see her again and hold her a little more.
When I think about those first days with her, it does seem like an entire year has gone by, because compared to then, Mari is very grown up. In many ways, she is hardly a baby anymore. She is a speedy crawler, especially when she thinks we are following her. She stopped nursing around 10 months and now eats all her meals at the table (in her highchair) with us. She says lots of words, including "HI" "Cheese" "Banana" "Mama" "Dada" and "Wolf" and "Ball," and understands even more. She knows how to make a racket when she is not happy with something. The more she is able to communicate, the better we get to know our little girl. We are looking forward to this next year so much and all the years we get to spend with her.
I need an update! Is she walking any more now?